Chef Richard and Chef Katie

Posts Tagged ‘Roast Chicken’

Roast Chicken at Home

In At Home, Restaurant on November 10, 2011 at 9:24 pm

Roast chicken is a tricky thing to perfect at home. Each part of the chicken cooks at different temperatures and it’s easy to fall victim to one part either being raw and another being dry and overcooked or worse, both. There’s much debateĀ amongĀ chefs over how to roast a chicken and yield perfect, evenly cooked results. Some chefs will argue that starting off with a screaming hot oven and then dropping the heat is the right approach. Others will suggest just the opposite; start low and then raise the heat. We had cooked many a’ roast chicken in our day but we were never totally thrilled with the results and we wanted to add perfect roast chicken to our kitchen repertoire.

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Date Night: Hamersley’s Bistro

In Restaurant on October 20, 2011 at 1:56 pm

Call it classic, full of hype or trendy, any dish that has stood the test of time and is still at its peak of popularity resonates strongly. The roast chicken at Hamersley’s Bistro is exactly that dish, one of those “must try” menu items that any real Bostonian has to indulge in at least once. So off we went, for a long deserved date night, to the South End to try the acclaimed Roast Chicken with garlic, lemon and parsley. Picking a restaurant to go to is sometimes more of a headache than it’s worth. More often than not we’d much rather cook for ourselves at home. Scratch that, Katie likes to cook delicious meals for us while I make sarcastic comments on the interwebs. Either way, our list of restaurants to try is growing by the day, in between burgers, going to the same Thai restaurant over and over again, and me threatening Korean Fried Chicken every time we’re in Allston, we don’t eat out as much as one would think. Frequently we’re disappointed with the higher end restaurants because, quite frankly, we can cook similar things at home for far cheaper. Hence all the more affordable burgers and ethnic establishments we frequent. Read the rest of this entry »